What are the Core Exercises to Eliminate Back Pain?

Core Exercises to Eliminate Back Pain

Understanding Back Pain and Its Causes

Back pain is an exceedingly common issue that affects people of all ages. It can range from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp pain that makes it difficult to move. To eliminate back pain through core exercises, it helps to understand what’s causing the pain in the first place.

Common Causes of Back Pain

There are many potential causes of back pain, including:

  • Muscle or ligament strain from overuse, improper lifting, or an awkward movement
  • Bulging or ruptured discs that put pressure on the spinal nerves
  • Arthritis in the spine that causes inflammation
  • Skeletal irregularities, like scoliosis, that change the structure of the back
  • Osteoporosis leading to vertebral compression fractures

The specific source of pain determines the most effective treatment, but core exercises can benefit many common causes.

Risk Factors for Back Pain

Certain risk factors also make people more prone to developing back pain, even in the absence of an acute injury. These include:

  • Poor posture over long periods, like hunching at a desk job
  • Excess weight, which puts extra load on the spine
  • Pregnancy, which shifts the pelvis and center of gravity
  • Smoking, which restricts blood flow to spinal discs
  • Genetics that affect spine and disc health
  • Mental health conditions like anxiety or depression
  • A sedentary lifestyle with little core fitness

Addressing modifiable risk factors can help prevent back pain episodes.

The Importance of Core Strength for Back Health

The core refers to the muscles of the pelvis, lower back, hips, and abdomen. Having a strong core supports the spine, absorbs shock, maintains balance, and prevents overuse of the muscles in the back.

How Weak Core Muscles Contribute to Back Pain

When core muscles are weak, other muscles and ligaments end up straining to compensate. This overuse causes muscle tightness and spasms in the back. The spine also becomes less stable, making it prone to torsional forces and unnatural bending motions that stress the vertebrae and discs. Weak muscles may also worsen postural imbalances that result in back pain over time.

Benefits of Strong Core Muscles

People with stronger core stability have a significantly lower incidence of lower back pain. Toned abdominal muscles, in particular, function like an internal girdle to reinforce the spine. Strong back muscles also protect and stabilize vertebral joints. Working out the core additionally corrects muscle imbalances that pull the pelvis and spine out of alignment. As core fitness improves, everyday activities require less effort, putting less demand on the back.

Best Core Exercises for Back Pain Relief

Best Core Exercises for Back Pain Relief plank

Certain core exercises target the muscle groups that are most key for supporting the spine and correcting postural dysfunction that contributes to back pain.


Standard Plank

The standard plank pose involves balancing your body in a straight line on your toes and forearms. To maintain good form, tense your core with shoulders positioned directly over elbows and hips over knees. Hold for 30-60 seconds. Over time, work up to holding for a full minute.

Side Plank

From an elbow plank position, rotate onto one forearm while lifting your hips and stacking your feet. Make sure shoulders, hips, and feet stay in a straight line to avoid sagging. Hold for 10-30 seconds then switch sides.

Bird Dog

Start on hands and knees. Extend one arm forward and the opposite leg back, keeping the spine neutral. Hold for 5 seconds then switch arm and leg. Complete 10 reps per side.


Lying on your back with knees bent, squeeze your glutes to lift your hips off the ground into a straight line with your shoulders and knees. Hold for 30 seconds in the lifted position, relaxing between reps.


Lay face down with arms and legs extended. Simultaneously lift your legs and upper body a few inches off the floor, keeping the pubic bone anchored. Hold for 3 seconds then lower back down. Complete 10-15 reps.

Creating a Core Workout Routine for Back Pain

To effectively strengthen your core and alleviate back pain symptoms, be strategic in designing your workout routine.

Frequency and Length of Core Workouts

Aim for core exercises that support back health 3-4 days per week for about 15-20 minutes per session. Consistency is key – even short daily workouts can make a difference over time. Allow at least one full rest day between sessions to prevent overtraining.

Listening to Your Body

Modify or stop any exercise that aggravates your back pain. Proper technique is also vital – poor form often causes further injury. Progress slowly while rebuilding core strength.

Modifications and Proper Form

When needed, reduce range of motion, number of repetitions, or length held. If unable to get on the floor, some moves can be adapted for a chair or exercise ball. Always maintain neutral spine alignment and do not force ranges beyond your capability – it defeats the purpose!

Additional Tips for Managing Back Pain

While core exercises strengthen the back’s foundational muscles, additional habits can further protect spine health.

Stretching and Flexibility

Tight hamstrings, hip flexors, chest, and shoulders contribute to poor posture. Stretch regularly, especially after workouts when muscles are warm.

Posture Habits

Remind yourself periodically to sit and stand tall. Use ergonomic desksetups and lumbar support.

Lifestyle Factors

Manage weight through healthy diet and exercise. Stay hydrated, get adequate sleep, and learn stress reduction techniques. Address sources of emotional strain as well.

Here is the detailed article on Back Pain Causes, Prevention, and Relief


Core instability is a major yet often overlooked contributor to back pain. By targeting abdominal, pelvic, hip, and back muscles, core exercises enhance spine support and stability. When combined with other positive posture and lifestyle habits, a strong core significantly decreases incidence of debilitating back pain flares for good!


Can core exercises help with back pain?

Yes, core exercises can be very beneficial for back pain when they target the muscles that support the spine, like the abdominals, hip flexors, glutes, and back extensors. Building strength in these areas provides stability, absorbs shock, and prevents excessive strain on the back.

Which 3 core exercises target your lower back?

The best 3 core exercises for the lower back are: bird dogs, which strengthen the low back while improving balance/coordination; bridges, which target the glutes and spinal erectors; and planks, which force the entire core to stabilize the spine.

What exercises get rid of back pain?

Recommended exercises to help alleviate back pain include core moves like planks and bird dogs, along with stretching the hamstrings, chest and hips. Low impact cardio like walking, swimming or stationary bike can also help by improving circulation and easing muscle tension.

What are 3 exercises that strengthen your back?

Three great exercises for a stronger back are: hyperextensions to target the lower back, seated rows for upper back/posterior chain, and renegade rows that force the core to stabilize while conditioning multiple areas.

Do planks strengthen your back?

Yes. By forcing the core to stabilize in a fixed position, planks build static strength throughout the abs, glutes, hip flexors and back extensor muscles. Over time, they improve posture and provide essential lower back support.

What are signs of a weak lower back?

Symptoms of a weak lower back can include difficulty picking up heavier objects, lower back pain/soreness, slouching posture, feeling unbalanced, and muscle spasms after ordinary activities like gardening or lifting kids. Tight hamstrings are also tied to lower back weakness.

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