Non Gear Cycle: The Ultimate Guide to Easy, Affordable, and Eco-Friendly Cycling

Non Gear Cycle

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance and cost-effective way to exercise, commute, or enjoy the great outdoors, a non gear cycle may be just what you need. 

Non-gear cycles, also known as single-speed or fixed-gear cycles, have gained popularity in recent years due to their simplicity, lightweight, and ease of use. 

In this beginner’s guide, we’ll explore the advantages of non-gear cycles, the different types available, how to choose the right one for you, and maintenance tips to keep your cycle running smoothly.

What is a Non-Gear Cycle?

A non-gear cycle, as the name suggests, is a bicycle without gears. It is also known as a single-speed bike or a fixed-gear bike. 

This type of bike has only one gear ratio and does not have a freewheel mechanism.

Unlike multi-speed cycles that have a variety of gears to choose from, non-gear cycles have only one gear, which is typically between 44 and 53 teeth. 

This simplicity makes non-gear cycles lightweight, easy to maneuver, and less expensive than multi-speed cycles.

Advantages of Non Gear Cycles

Low Maintenance

One of the main advantages of non-gear cycles is their low maintenance. Because they have fewer moving parts than multi-speed cycles, non-gear cycles require less maintenance and are less prone to mechanical failures. You don’t have to worry about shifting gears or adjusting derailleurs, which can be a hassle for beginners or casual riders. Non-gear cycles are also less likely to get dirty or rusted, as there are fewer exposed parts that can accumulate dirt or moisture.

Lightweight and Easy to Maneuver

Non-gear cycles are typically lighter and more agile than multi-speed cycles, which makes them ideal for city or urban riding. They are easier to maneuver in tight spaces, such as crowded streets or narrow alleys, and can be carried upstairs or on public transportation more easily. Non-gear cycles also have a more direct connection between the pedals and the wheel, which means that you can accelerate and brake more quickly than on a multi-speed cycle.


Non-gear cycles are often less expensive than multi-speed cycles (See the Top Bicycles under 10,000 INR), which can be a significant advantage if you’re on a budget. You don’t have to pay for multiple gears, shifters, derailleurs, or other components that can add to the cost of a cycle. Non-gear cycles also require less maintenance and replacement parts, which can save you money in the long run.

See also: How To Use Downtube Shifters?

Good for Exercise

Non-gear cycles can be a great way to get exercise, as they require more effort to pedal and can build leg strength and endurance. You have to pedal faster to go faster, which means that you’ll get a good cardio workout and burn more calories than on a multi-speed cycle. Non-gear cycles can also be ideal for interval training or hill climbs, as you can adjust your cadence and intensity to match the terrain.

cycle without gear

Disadvantages of Non Gear Cycle

  • Limited speed: Since non-gear cycles only have one gear ratio, they may not be suitable for those who want to cycle at high speeds or on steep hills.
  • Limited terrain: Non-gear cycles may not be suitable for all terrains, especially for those with steep inclines or uneven surfaces.
  • Less comfortable: Non-gear cycles can be less comfortable to ride, especially for long distances, as the pedals are always in motion, and there is no opportunity to coast or relax.
  • Safety concerns: Non-gear cycles can be challenging to stop, and riders may need to use their legs to slow down, making it difficult to brake in an emergency.

Types of Non Gear Cycles

Single-Speed Cycles

Single-speed cycles are the most common type of non-gear cycle, and they have only one gear ratio. They are typically less expensive and more straightforward than other types of non-gear cycles, and they come in a variety of styles and designs. 

Single-speed cycles are great for commuting, urban riding, or leisurely cruising, as they are easy to ride and require minimal maintenance.

Fixed-Gear Cycles

Fixed-gear cycles, also known as fixies, have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially among urban and track cyclists. Fixed-gear cycles have a single gear ratio, but they have a fixed rear cog that directly drives the wheel, which means that the pedals and the wheel turn together. 

This means that you cannot coast or freewheel on a fixed-gear cycle, and you have to keep pedaling to keep moving. Fixed-gear cycles are popular among experienced cyclists who enjoy the challenge of riding without brakes or the ability to coast, as it requires more skill and control.

Track Cycles

Track cycles are similar to fixed-gear cycles, but they are designed specifically for racing on a velodrome or an indoor track. Track cycles have a fixed gear ratio and no brakes, and they have a lightweight frame and aerodynamic design for maximum speed and efficiency. 

Track cycling is a competitive sport that requires a high level of skill and fitness, and track cycles are not recommended for beginners or casual riders.

How to Choose the Right Non Gear Cycle for You

Consider Your Riding Style and Goals

When choosing a non-gear cycle, consider your riding style and goals. Are you planning to use your cycle for commuting, leisure, or exercise? 

Do you prefer a lightweight and agile cycle for urban riding or a sturdy and comfortable cycle for longer rides? Consider your fitness level, your budget, and your preferences for style and design.

Test Ride Different Models

Before buying a non-gear cycle, take it for a test ride to see how it feels and performs. Look for a cycle that is comfortable and easy to ride, with a smooth and responsive ride. 

Check the fit and adjust the saddle and handlebars to your preferred height and position. Test the brakes and make sure they are reliable and responsive.

Consider Accessories and Upgrades

Non-gear cycles can be customized with a variety of accessories and upgrades, such as fenders, racks, lights, smartwatches, and more. 

Consider what accessories you might need or want for your cycling needs, and factor in the cost of these upgrades when choosing a cycle. 

Some cycles may come with built-in accessories or options for customization, so be sure to ask your dealer or check online for options.

Tips for Riding a Non-Gear Cycle

  • Practice stopping: Since non-gear cycles can be challenging to stop, it is important to practice stopping techniques, such as using your legs to slow down or using the brake if your bike has one.
  • Start slow: If you are new to non-gear cycles, start slow and practice on flat terrain before attempting steep hills or uneven surfaces.
  • Keep a steady pace: Since non-gear cycles have only one gear ratio, it is essential to maintain a steady pace to avoid overexerting yourself.

Maintenance Tips for Non-Gear Cycles

Despite their low-maintenance reputation, non-gear cycles still require some basic upkeep to keep them running smoothly. Here are some tips for maintaining your non-gear cycle:

  • Keep the chain lubricated and clean to prevent rust and wear.
  • Check the tires for proper inflation and replace them if worn or damaged.
  • Adjust the brakes and check the pads for wear regularly.
  • Check the wheels for trueness and make sure they are tight and secure.
  • Clean the cycle regularly to prevent dirt and moisture buildup.


Non-gear cycles offer a cost-effective, eco-friendly, low-maintenance alternative to traditional bikes. 

While they may not be suitable for all terrains and riding styles, they are an excellent option for those looking for an easy and affordable way to cycle.

By following the tips and considering the factors discussed in this guide, you can choose and ride a non-gear cycle with confidence and ease. 

So why not try a non-gear cycle today and experience the simplicity and joy of cycling?


Which cycle is best: gear or non gear?

The answer to this question depends on your individual needs and preferences. Non-gear cycles are generally less expensive, lighter, and require less maintenance, making them a great choice for beginners or casual riders. However, gear cycles offer a wider range of options for different terrains and riding styles, and they can be more efficient and comfortable for longer rides or challenging routes.

How to do a wheelie on a cycle without gear?

Doing a wheelie on a bicycle without gears requires good balance, timing, and control. Start by pedaling fast and standing up on the pedals. Then, shift your weight back and pull up on the handlebars, using your legs to lift the front wheel off the ground. Practice in a safe and open area, and wear protective gear such as a helmet and pads.

What are the benefits of gear cycle?

Gear cycles offer several advantages over non-gear cycles, including the ability to tackle different terrains and riding conditions with ease. They allow you to adjust the gear ratio to match your pedaling speed and power, which can make riding more efficient and comfortable. Gear cycles can also be faster and more versatile than non-gear cycles, making them a great choice for experienced riders or those who want to challenge themselves.

What are the disadvantages of a gear cycle?

Complexity, cost, weight, and learning curve are the main disadvantages of gear cycles.

What is the difference between gear and non gear cycles?

The main difference between gear and non-gear cycles is the presence or absence of a gear system. Non gear cycles have a single gear ratio, which means that the pedals and the wheel turn together and you cannot coast or freewheel. Gear cycles, on the other hand, have multiple gear ratios that allow you to adjust the resistance and speed of pedaling to match the terrain or riding conditions. This makes them more versatile and efficient for different types of riding.

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